
Standard Battle
Encounter Battle
Size: 1000x1000
Summer Camouflage
Two avenues of attack are divided by a swamp. The eastern side is ideal for trench warfare. The western side is favorable to a hard push. The swamp provides a risky but perhaps unexpected attack route.
Standard Battle
Encounter Battle
Size: 1000x1000
Summer Camouflage
Initial staging areas are separated by a wide open field, ideal for artillery and defensive operations. Concealment and cover including woods, hills, and farmhouses can be decisive. Attackers should consider flanking maneuvers, but another option is a well-coordinated high-speed assault across the field, which could either bring victory or a bloody loss.
Standard Battle
Encounter Battle
Size: 700x700
Summer Camouflage
A labyrinth of streets and squares, impassable for artillery and tank destroyers, but ideal for speedy breakthrough and bypass by medium and light tanks. Access roads running by the hill, with the castle that dominates the area, and along the railway lines can help you out of the impasse.
Standard Battle
Encounter Battle
Size: 1000x1000
Summer Camouflage
Generally open terrain featuring a large hill and a railway embankment. Scattered trees provide concealment for tank destroyers. On the offensive, strike against the enemy's flanks, but do not leave your own flanks unguarded. Artillery enjoys good fields of fire, but is still vulnerable to raids by light tanks.
Standard Battle
Encounter Battle
Size: 800x800
Summer Camouflage
An isolated mountain valley on one flank and city blocks on the other allow you to thrust close enough to the enemy. A large lake in the middle gives snipers a chance to show their skill at extreme range.
Standard Battle
Encounter Battle
Size: 600x600
Summer Camouflage
A mixture of city blocks and wooded outskirts, bisected by railroad tracks. Plan your tactics to take advantage of defensive choke points, positioning your vehicles to cover the gaps. Artillery is great for deterring enemy breakthroughs, but remains almost defenseless when exposed to enemy vehicles attacking from cover.
Standard Battle
Encounter Battle
Size: 1000x1000
Summer Camouflage
Swamps, ravines, and hills determine your battle tactics. The scarcity of buildings gives a combat advantage to artillery. Concentrating all your attacks along one axis of attack may prove the best strategy.
Standard Battle
Size: 1000x1000
Winter Camouflage
Divided by a river, this map offers three main avenues of attack. A bridge in the center is situated among the ruins of a small town. Terrain around the northern and southern bridges offers a small amount of cover. Use the castle and the range of hills on the opposite side of the map as firing positions for your artillery.
Standard Battle
Encounter Battle
Size: 800x800
Summer Camouflage
A high hill in the center of the map provides a perfect outpost for your attacks. A village to the north-east of the hill and an island to the west offer a wide range of tactical advantages, but lay open to fire from the center.
Standard Battle
Encounter Battle
Size: 1000x1000
Summer Camouflage
Opposing bases on this map are separated by cliffs and rocky ridges. A variety of cover allows for focused attacks in crucial directions. The direct route may seem ideal for a breakthrough assault, but do not neglect your flanks!
Standard Battle
Size: 1000x1000
Summer Camouflage
A monastery and a town are the focal points of this map. Three roads run north-south, providing easy access from one end of the map to the other. The monastery courtyard offers perfect, but predictable, firing positions for tanks and artillery. The long hill in the west and the winding ravine in the east can serve as perfect cover from enemy fire.
Sand River
Standard Battle
Encounter Battle
Size: 1000x1000
Desert Camouflage
This map looks open, but appearances can be deceiving! The village houses can be used as cover for vehicles and artillery. Consider attacking on the enemy flanks safely protected from their fire by cliffs and dunes.
Standard Battle
Encounter Battle
Size: 1000x1000
Summer Camouflage
Generally open, this map allows you to strike in multiple directions, but don't disperse your forces too much. A road in the center will take you to the enemy base more directly, but perhaps with greater difficulty. The edges of the map may offer better avenues for attacks and feints.
Mountain Pass
Standard Battle
Size: 1000x1000
Summer Camouflage
Steep terrain with numerous cliffs and stones can serve as a perfect cover from enemy fire. Use the hills to set up ambushes, or infiltrate the enemy base unnoticed through winding highland paths.
Standard Battle
Size: 1000x1000
Summer Camouflage
Huge mountains and narrow valleys offer great advantages in a battle. You can engage in a fire duel across the gulf or enter a close quarter battle at the nearest port town or flank and capture enemy base.
Standard Battle
Encounter Battle
Size: 1000x1000
Summer Camouflage
This map is truly unique. Green fields interspersed with rolling hills offer great opportunities for aggressive attacks. The river running along the middle of the map is more of a guiding landmark than a real obstacle.
Fisherman's Bay
Standard Battle
Size: 1000x1000
Summer Camouflage
The map is a mix of open spaces and irregular terrain. The winding streets of the fishing village can be highly advantageous for defense or attack. Low ridges and hills scattered with bushes offer excellent ambush opportunities.
Mannerheim Line
Standard Battle
Size: 1000x1000
Winter Camouflage
This snow-covered and rocky map is abundant in various obstacles and defilades. Trails that snake around rocky mountains and along the riverside will present options for an offensive strategy, but beware: defenders will have plenty of ambush opportunities.
Standard Battle
Encounter Battle
Size: 850x850
Summer Camouflage
Concentric city streets, along with dense forests and bushes in the overgrown park allow for hidden maneuvers and redeployment of your troops. Although artillery fire is of limited use in the city, the debris provides effective cover for your troops.
Siegfried Line
Standard Battle
Encounter Battle
Size: 1000x1000
Summer Camouflage
The map is a combination of open spaces and city blocks. Meandering lanes will facilitate your surprise attacks from behind the enemy lines while numerous bunkers serve as cover.
Standard Battle
Encounter Battle
Size: 1000x1000
Summer Camouflage
Lush terrain features forests and villages scattered throughout the map, while a gigantic crumbling aqueduct looms over the valley. A variety of cliffs and ridges make perfect ambush spots, but wide open areas make changing your position quite risky.
El Halluf
Standard Battle
Encounter Battle
Size: 1000x1000
Desert Camouflage
A spacious valley sprinkled with boulders and trees lies in the center of the map. High mountain ridges flanking the valley provide natural sniper positions. Capturing bases becomes a real feat, as both team bases are situated in easily defended hilly regions.
Standard Battle
Size: 1000x1000
Desert Camouflage
This map offers many great ambush spots, as well as possibilities for maneuvers and breakthroughs. A large airfield in the upper part of the map and a rocky highland in the center offer a major tactical challenge. Occupy the highland to get a perfect view of the surrounding terrain and dominate routes to the enemy base.
Standard Battle
Size: 600x600
Summer Camouflage
This map depicts an industrial city devastated by war. A railway embankment divides the map in two, making it possible to concentrate forces for an attack or counterattack.
Live Oaks
Standard Battle
Size: 1000x1000
Summer Camouflage
In the centre of the map there is a large, boggy lake. A railway bridge and a ford on the one flank are defensible with scant forces, making it possible to concentrate main forces on the other flank.
Standard Battle
Size: 1000x1000
Summer Camouflage
An industrial city is the preferred environment for heavy tanks. A riverside village provides ample opportunity for medium tanks to position and maneuver.
Serene Coast
Standard Battle
Size: 1000x1000
Summer Camouflage
This map offers several avenues of attack, each presenting certain advantages. Slow, heavy vehicles should concentrate along the railway. Fast vehicles should quickly seize key positions, such as the peninsula and high ground, in order to provide support for the rest of the team.
Empire's Border
Standard Battle
Size: 1000x1000
Summer Camouflage
This map offers many roads and canyons, giving the perfect opportunity for light tanks and SPGs to excel. A gap in the wall is an ideal spot for fast vehicles to deliver swift attacks. Other vehicles should focus on the main line of attack.
Standard Battle
Size: 800x800
Summer Camouflage
The mountain in the east offers the possibility of dominating from the high ground, while the central part of the map offers a wide range of tactical advantages. A village and a bypass road are located in the west, creating an opportunity for unexpected maneuvers and tactics.
Pearl River
Standard Battle
Encounter Battle
Size: 1000x1000
Summer Camouflage
Rugged terrain is favorable for various battle tactics—ambushes, unexpected flanking maneuvers, and close encounters. Moving along the riverbed will allow you to swiftly approach the enemy base and strike from the rear. The hill in the central part of the map is a strategic area and taking control of it will help you launch an attack in almost any direction.
Standard Battle
Size: 1000x1000
Summer Camouflage
The shoreline can be used by maneuverable vehicles to execute lightning attacks into the enemy rear. The central and eastern parts of the map are well-suited for methodical attacks by heavy vehicles with the support of allies.
Omaha Beach
Standard Battle
Size: 1100x1100
Summer Camouflage
This map offers a fierce struggle for control of the Normandy coast. Attackers must navigate a lethal beach area swept by interlocking fields of fire from bunkers and littered with mines that threaten every step. Coastal guns pound landing craft and armored vehicles, while enemy tanks lie in ambush beyond the first line of defense, ready to engage any breakthrough.
Standard Battle
Encounter Battle
Size: 1000x1000
Summer Camouflage
Recent intelligence shows that the best tactic is to flank the enemy. The plant in the center may turn out to be a trap. Our reconnaissance units advise using it for a quick breakthrough at the end of the battle.
Standard Battle
Size: 800x800
Summer Camouflage
Tight winding streets provide great cover for allied heavy vehicles. The central square is dangerous because shots can come from all directions, while the embankment of the Seine is an ideal area for approaches in fast, maneuverable vehicles.
Standard Battle
Size: 1000x1000
Winter Camouflage
The path along the steel shells of ships that have been captured in ice can be advantageous to vehicles with heavy armor. The massive glacial hills in the center of the map are perfect for fast and maneuverable vehicles that can provide the team with information about enemy positions. The area around the fisherman's village presents an open area that is exposed to fire from tank destroyers in convenient positions.
Standard Battle
Size: 850x850
Summer Camouflage
The wasteland in the center is divided by two high grounds that present the spawning areas for the teams. The defenders should hold the attackers and keep their positions safe. The attackers should take the advantage of the winding path and consolidate in the positions of the defending team.
Grand Battle
Size: 1400x1400
Summer Camouflage
Two massive mountains surround this peaceful valley. The space is watched over by the ruins of a castle, ruling over the nearby lake and woods. Vast fields are the perfect opportunity for fast and stealthy flanking, while a small village offers a more direct path into battle.
Grand Battle
Size: 1400x1400
Winter Camouflage
Set in the northern part of the map, the mine provides an advantage to fast breakthrough vehicles. The central map area near the road is suitable for vehicles with reliable armor. To the south, the river delta gives way to vast and open plateaus, offering a very convenient position for vehicles with accurate guns.
Standard Battle
Encounter Battle
Size: 1000x1000
Summer Camouflage
A Polish village surrounded by fields is located at one flank. A plant with a railway is located at the other flank. It provides cover from enemy fire. At the same time, vehicles in the central area are exposed to enemy fire regardless of their team. However, fast scouts can move across this area to check the battle situation at the opposite side of the map.
Standard Battle
Size: 1033x1033
Summer Camouflage
Battles at close and medium range will take place near Victory Square where heavily armored vehicles with low mobility can find safe cover from SPG fire. The position near the circus building can be supported by allied vehicles or attacked by hitting the opponent's flanks and rear. The wide avenue represents two directions of attack, allowing for long-range fire that can significantly influence the battle's outcome.
Grand Battle
Size: 1400x1400
Summer Camouflage
The brick factory located on flat terrain and surrounded by country houses presents a point of interest for both teams. Control over the factory will benefit a further advance on the enemy base. Crossing the relatively open areas nearby may be dangerous for heavily-armored vehicles that will be exposed to attacks from ambush spots and SPG fire.
Standard Battle
Size: 2000x2000
Winter Camouflage
The main objective is to be the last player (or Platoon) standing.
Collect resources, upgrade your vehicle, and survive!
Ghost Town
Standard Battle
Encounter Battle
Size: 1000x1000
Desert Camouflage
This presidio located in the desert sands is an ideal setting for head-on heavy vehicle encounters, while the more maneuverable vehicles can launch surprise attacks by flanking the enemy.
Standard Battle
Size: 1000x1000
Winter Camouflage
A deep tank ditch divides the map into two parts—the city and the suburb. In conditions of urban warfare, make use of frequent cover, piles of rubble, and barricades. The open map areas pose a threat to stationary vehicles, exposing them to long-range fire and providing no safe cover from SPGs, which commands an active style of play with rapid changes of position.
Standard Battle
Size: 1050x1050
Summer Camouflage
The urban area located in the bend of the Spree River is an ideal setting for close-range combat between heavily armored vehicles, while the vast Tiergarten park is a perfect foothold for tank destroyers to find cover or for fast and maneuverable vehicles to change flanks. The complex open terrain offers very convenient positions for vehicles with well-armored turrets/cabins and decent gun elevation/depression angles.
Size: 3000x3000
Summer Camouflage
The assault is taken from the riverbeds over mountaintops in to the city. Vast countryside areas are the perfect opportunities for fast and stealthy tanks, while small villages and mountain passes are populated by more heavy machinery.
Arzagir 4.04
Standard Battle
Size: 2000x2000
Summer Camouflage
Standard Battle
Size: 2000x2000
Summer Camouflage
The main objective is to be the last player (or Platoon) standing.
Collect resources, upgrade your vehicle, and survive!
Safe Haven
Standard Battle
Size: 1000x1000
Summer Camouflage
Battles will be fought in the vicinity of a large port. The hangars and docks are perfect locations for the confrontation of heavy tanks. The hills are good for mobile vehicles and quick flanking maneuvers. A network of covered tunnels running through the center of the map provides the means to get behind enemy lines.
Standard Battle
Size: 1100x1100
Summer Camouflage
Be prepared to break through another enemy defense line that is not keen to give you a warm welcome. Rushing through open areas is not an option. It is better and wiser to use available cover and terrain irregularities.
Standard Battle
Size: 500x500
Summer Camouflage
The map presents a complex terrain that is hardly suitable for open tank battles. Always stay alert. The battlefield is enemy territory. They know it well and they are sure to try to set up ambushes.
Oyster Bay
Standard Battle
Size: 1300x1300
Summer Camouflage
The key fighting area on this volcanic island is a winding rock gorge that is suitable for well-armored and assault vehicles. The airfield on the other flank provides a good opportunity to quickly move vehicles closer to the enemy base (or back to defend your base). However, this location is not properly protected, and you should rely on your vehicle mobility there. The coastal areas are fairly open: You can take perfect positions in ambush tank destroyers there or use terrain irregularities for light and medium tank maneuvers.
Standard Battle
Size: 1000x1000
Summer Camouflage
The dense central structures in the center of the map are the key point for the location. Controlling this area allows you to hold an all-around defense by firing across the vast fields around the town. Beyond the walls of the fortifications, you should take advantage of terrain irregularities, as most of the area is very exposed to enemy fire.
Standard Battle
Size: 1000x1000
Summer Camouflage
Standard Battle
Size: 1000x1000
Summer Camouflage
Siegfried Line
Standard Battle
Size: 1000x1000
Summer Camouflage
Size: 3000x3000
Winter Camouflage
The attackers start in the city blocks before moving through industrial areas, large plants, and suburbs. The last defensive line in their way is a fortified zone. Heavy vehicles are able to take advantage of urban areas and terrain irregularities, while fast vehicles can prove quite effective in performing flanking maneuvers or using wide roads and tunnels.
Fata Morgana
Size: 3000x3000
Desert Camouflage
This vast expanse of sand and rock formations features various environments to navigate, including narrow streets, treacherous canyons, and caves for cover. Numerous dunes can be used to set up ambushes, while foliage along the river offers additional concealment.
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